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Cayambe Bizcochos

Cayambe Bizcochos

If you drive north in Ecuador on the Panamerican Highway from Quito, you will pass the small town of Cayambe.

Cayambe is located in Imbabura province and is known for its culture, history, folklore and cuisine. The famous Bizcochos of Cayambe.

These delicacies are sold in the many streetside shops, where travelers will find various recipes and options to enjoy a tasty break on their way.


So what are these Bizcochos?

We stop and visit the Bizcochos of San Pedro. Bizcochos have been made for over 40 years in this traditionally classically-built house with tiled roofs and beautifully designed guest rooms.

The ingredients can vary a bit but usually they are made from wheat flour, butter, salt, egg yolk, lard, anise and water. These small elongated extremely tasty cakes are usually offeredwith a special cheese (Queso de hoja), manjar de leche.

With a coffee or a hot chocolate we enjoy this delicious variety. In the open-plan kitchen, guests can watch the production and have a look in the clay oven, where the bizcochos are baked on large sheets. We learn that this specialty is produced and marketed throughout the year by the Cayambeños and is consumed mainly at folk festivals.

It is said that the Bizcochos achieved their fame in 1928 and now 91 years later have a permanent place in the gastronomic selection in Ecuador.


Josef Gutmann 16.07.2019
