Beautiful Galapagos Islands on spring break

    Adventure in Galapagos

    Island Hopping


    Would you like to seize your visit in the islands, right? or simply done arragements with your time each day to appreciate all the best of the archipell, sunset, sunrise and of course the biodiversity, true?

    This adventure is combine the excursions on board and land with the opportunity to be part of this alive park

    Your time is now! Tomorrow is Today!

    5 DAYS – 4 NIGHTS

    Day 1 (L): 

    AM: Welcome to Galapagos 

    PM: Visit the Charles Darwin Station 


    Day 2 (B-L): Enjoy in Isabela 

    AM: Visit to the Breeding tortoises Arnaldo Tupiza, Flamingos’ lagoon and Humedales complex 

    PM: Walking and snorkeling in Tintoteras. 


    Day 3 (B-L): 

    AM: Snorkeling in Concha y Perla Beach 

    PM: Back to Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora) 


    Day 4 (B-L): 

    AM: In search of the Giant Tortoises, lava tunnels, twin craters and Santa Cruz high part 

    PM: Kayak in Garrapatero or Tortuga Bay 

    Day 5 (B): Transfer Out

    5 DAYS – 4 NIGHTS

    Day 1 (L): 

    AM: Arrival to Galapagos  

    PM: Visit the Charles Darwin Station 


    Day 2 (B-L): 

    AM: Walking and kayak in Tortuga Bay

    PM: Enjoy to Isabela visiting the breeding tortoises Arnaldo Tupiza and Flamingos’s lagoon 


    Day 3 (B-L): 

    AM: Visit the Humedales Complex & Wall of Tears (optional bicycle)

    PM: Walking and snorkeling in Tintoteras.


    Day 4 (B-L): 

    AM: Snorkeling in Concha y Perla Beach 

    PM: Back to Santa Cruz (Puerto Ayora) 


    Day 5 (B): Transfer Out   


    • Double Accommodation comfortable and luxury hotels 
    • Private land transportation (Itabaca Canal – Baltra Airport – Itabaca Canal)
    • Meal detailed in the itinerary 
    • Marin & Land transportation
    • Tours and excursions detailed in the itinerary 
    • Snorkeling mask and fins
    • English Naturalist guide of National Park and personalized attention
    • Medical Assistance Insurance by 5 Days 


    • Air ticket to Galápagos 
    • Wetsuit $ 10 per day and per person 
    • Payment of income tax to the National Park $ 100.00 USD
    • Immigration entry card $ 20 USD
    • Taxes Isabela Island $ 10 USD 
    • Alcoholic and soft drinks 
    • Dinners and extra expenses 
    • Changes last minute or during the tour please have to pay directly in Galápagos
    • Gratuities

    Daily Tours

    North Seymour & Bachas Beach

    North Seymour is quite barren and rocky with variable vegetation. One of the few places where we can enter and visit the colony of frigate birds (Fregata minor), the famous blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii), they are seen incubating eggs or feeding their chicks, we can also find land iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus) Darwin finches, Galapagos doves, lava herons, sally light foot crabs (Grapsus grapsus) and playful sea lion pups on the banks.


    Bachas beach, this site got its name during world war II where the American air base had its barges, now there are almost no traces of that and what we have is a beautiful white sand beach where we can some times see flamingoes,  its also a nesting site for the green sea turtle and of course a great place for swimming and snorkeling.

    Plaza Sur & Punta Carrión

    South Plaza is a small island of 13 hectares, located at the east of Santa Cruz. Its twin, North Plaza is reserved only for scientific studies. The channel between the two islands is the home of the largest colonies of sea lions in the archipelago. There is an important colony of land iguanas (Conolophus subcristatus). From the cliff of the island you can see one of the most colorful birds of the archipelago such as the tropical bird (Phaeton aethereus), the forked-tailed gull (Creagrus durcatus) and flocks of Galapagos shearwaters (Puffinus subalaris).


    Punta Carrion is a wonderful place for snorkeling, we will provide you with snorkeling gear and towels, here we can see a variety of fish, rays sea lions and maybe white tip reef sharks.

    Bartolomé y Bahia Sullivan

    Bartolome is a small Galapagos Island located 18 miles northwest from the Itabaca Channel. It’s among the most famous of all the islands, due to its fascinating volcanic landscapes and the wildlife encounters it promises. Bartolome is considered one of the best snorkeling sites in the central islands of the archipelago. Here, we swim at the foot of the famous Pinnacle Rock and around its base, observing many species of parrot fish, marine turtles, sea lions and, if we’re lucky, Galapagos penguins.


    Sullivan Bay is located at the southeast of Santiago Island, where we can swim or snorkel. This bay is one of the most beautiful places for this activity; its crystal clear water, the great visibility, the absence of strong currents and a great possibility of finding sea turtles and the Galapagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus).

    Santa Fe

    The check point to visit Santa Fe is the northwest of the island. It is a beautiful turquoise bay with two white sand beaches populated by sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) sunbathing. The landing is made at any of the beaches and the trail begins behind the vegetation, such as saltbush, Galapagos thornbush, leatherleaf trees, palos santos. The path is rocky, but it is not a quick or difficult hike, it takes about an hour and a half to look at the different such as Santa Fe lava lizards, Darwin finches, Galapagos doves, Galapagos snakes, rodents and perhaps the Galapagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis) looking for a potential prey. The star on Santa Fe is the pale land iguana (Conolophus pallidus), endemic to the island, this means that it is the only place where you can find it. 

    Chinese Hat & Dragon Hill

    Chinese Hat (Sombrero Chino) is a very small volcano close to Santiago Island, surrounded by small spatter cones: a captivating landscape. Galapagos Penguins and Galapagos hawks are active here. We have time to enjoy the sandy beach, where sea lions rest and a variety of wading birds feed on the shore line. The tranquil waters make great snorkeling experiences, where we can observe several tropical fish, sea stars and the chance to spot penguins under water.


    Dragon Hill, one of the few visitor sites directly related to a conservation program led by the Charles Darwin Foundation and the Galapagos National Park. It was named after the land iguanas, considered the Galápagos’ “dragons”. Heading inland on the trail, we pass two small salt-water lagoons where it is sometimes possible to spot flamingos and other shore birds. The trail continues on and circles round the hill, providing a memorable Galapagos view.

    Information on Board

    Includes: Transportation from Puerto Ayora hotel – Itabaca Channel – Puerto Ayora hotel, Visit with the bilingual certified guide (English-Spanish), Lunch on board, soft drinks on board, towels, and Snorkel equipment (mask and tube, fins according to available sizes)


    Additional: Bottle Soft and Alcoholic drinks, Wetsuit, No Show, Changes of the last minute or during the excursions please you have to pay directly in Galapagos and Tips.

    What to Bring: 

    We recommend to bring a small (waterproof) backpack, comfortable walking shoes, sneakers or rubber soles, shorts or light-weight trousers, t-shirts, long and short sleeved shirts, windbreaker, bathing suit, hat or cap, sun block, sunglasses, binoculars & camera.



    • December to Mayo is hot station in where the humidity is high with temperature around of 26 to 30º grades (hot and sunny days)
    • June to November dry season, it is possible to feel fresh winds, the temperature around of 20 to 24 30º grades during the day and the day cools at nightfall
    • Low season from May 01st to June 14th and from September 15th to October 31st 
    • High season the rest of the year 

    Important Information Traveling to Galapagos 


    • You have to be 2 hours before the flight to fill up form with your complete data and pay the immigratory card 20 USD in cash per person directly in the airport at “Consejo de Gobierno del Régimen Especial de Galápagos”) 
    • Arrival to Baltra airport you have to pay in cash $ 100 per person in the counter 
    • Free Baggage Allowance: 1 pieces, 23 kg (50lb) or Maximum 2 pieces, both weighing 23 kg in total.  The third piece is considered excess baggage.
    • Hand Luggage Allowance: 1 piece of 8 kg (17lb) 55cm high, 35cm wide and 25 depth and 1 personal item (Portfolio, Bag, Notebook, Camera, baby bag)

    Galapagos Flights:


    Quito 09:30 – Baltra 11:30 

    Baltra 12:30 – Quito 16:50 


    Guayaquil 10:40 – Baltra 11:30 

    Baltra 12:30 – Guayaquil 15:20

    Get in touch 

      EC: +593 (09) 69413856  +593 (09) 92061586

      PHONE: (593) 2 3 191 907


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